Product Services
Bumper: Foot Pedal
Extrusion: Bulb-Shaped ◊ Channel P-Shaped
Pad: Rubber Cutting Table
Protectors: Sleeper
Seals: Door Extrusions ◊ Swing Circle
Washers: Space ◊ Water Stop
When finalizing their plans for a new building, a construction company realized they had a problem with no solution: a drainage pipe on the roof needed to be supported to minimize vibration.
As this detail was a late addition to their project we provided their solution by working with their material MR35, that met the environmental requirements for this building in the Northeast US and fabricated assemblies that they could mount on the building to support these drain pipes.
Environmental ◊ Regional ◊ Strategic ◊ Transportation ◊ Urban Design
- Hydrology
- Wetlands
- Drainage
- Flooding Potential
- Conceptual View Models
Civil Engineering
- Applicable Land Use
- Development Cost Estimates
Remediation / Restoration
- Project Management
- Hazardous Materials
- Non-Hazardous Materials