Published On: May 9, 2016

Cedric Glasper, President and CEO of Mechanical Rubber participated in the third annual Warwick Valley High School Career Fair recently and had the opportunity to meet with a lot of students to discuss engineering, manufacturing and what it takes to run a business.






Student feedback was positive with many stating that they learned about careers they are interested in as well as jobs they hadn’t even thought about. Another takeaway was that some found out there are career opportunities outside of four-year college.


Recognizing that the value of hands on learning, Mechanical Rubber has offered high school students job shadow opportunities, as well as internships. During the career fair, Cedric had the opportunity to catch up with HS Junior Collin Parsons, who took advantage of the Mechanical Rubber Job Shadow program last fall. Parsons has recently committed to completing his senior year at the Clarkson School while simultaneously being enrolled as a freshman in Clarkson University in Potsdam. P1050457

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